Broadleaf Blog

Prepare These Lunchtime Meals at Broadleaf Apartments

If you're tired of ordering out or buying lunch every day is taking a toll on your wallet, consider making your meals at Broadleaf Apartments. You could prepare meals on Sunday nights so you can just grab your lunch from the refrigerator each morning. Give some of these recipes a try:

Mediterranean Wrap []
Swap out your usual sandwich for a wrap every now and then. The healthy Mediterranean wrap is loaded with couscous, green vegetables, and chicken and flavored with a variety of spices.

Peanut Butter and Jam Crepe Roll []
If you've never grown out of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you don't have to give up your favorite childhood meal. Just make a few crepes and fill them with your favorite flavor of jam and some natural peanut butter. Roll up the crepes and then slice them horizontally. You can enjoy these handheld treats for lunch or snack on them throughout the day.

Strawberry and Goat Cheese Mason Jar Salad []
Get your fill of fruits and vegetables with this salad. Preparing this salad ahead of time and storing it in a mason jar makes it convenient and portable.

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